Aragon, 19 Settembre: dopo aver conquistato la seconda fila nelle qualifiche di ieri, il pilota del Team LCR Honda MotoGP Randy De Puniet è partito dalla sesta piazza per i 23 giri del GP di Aragon ma è non riuscito a terminare la gara dopo una caduta all’8° passaggio dalla quale il Francese è fortunatamente uscito illeso. Dopo la frattura alla gamba sinistra del GP di Germania, il 29-enne in sella alla Honda RC212V ha lavorato sodo per tornare in forma il prima possibile e per tirare fuori il meglio dalla sua moto ma nelle ultime tre gare non è riuscito ad ottenere i risultati sperati. Randy ha da subito impostato un buon ritmo sul nuovissimo tracciato Spagnolo e si era detto pronto a dare battaglia per chiudere nelle prime otto posizioni. Mantiene l’8° posto nella classifica mondiale con 81 punti e tornerà in sella nel GP del Giappone il prossimo 3 Ottobre. De Puniet - CADUTO De Puniet: “Un’altra gara deludente per me dopo Indianapolis e Misano. Sinceramente nei giorni scorsi avevo un buon passo e pensavo di poter finalmente fare una buona gara recuperando punti importanti per la classifica. Non sono partito benissimo e dopo 5 giri la gomma davanti ha iniziato a darmi problemi ed io ho fatto il massimo per gestire la situazione ma ho perso diverse posizioni. Potevo stare lì davanti con gli altri perché avevamo tutti lo stesso ritmo. Poi a 8 giri dal termine, alla settima curva, ho aperto troppo il gas e sono volato per aria. Fisicamente sto bene ma il morale è a terra perchè gli ultimi due mesi sono stati duri per me. Abbiamo fatto una prima parte della stagione davvero incredibile e spero vivamente che le cose tornino come prima nelle prossime gare”.
Aragon, 19 September: after yesterdays Aragon GP positive qualifying session result, LCR Honda MotoGP racer Randy De Puniet started from the 6th spot on the grid for the 23-lap race but suffered a high-side at 8 laps to go from which he luckily escaped unhurt but could not rejoin the race. After the left leg fracture sustained in the German GP, the Frenchman aboard the Honda RC212V worked hard to get the best from his machine and trained a lot to be fitted as quick as possible but in the last three races he was not able to perform as he expected. The 29-year-old lapped consistently fast in the practices and was ready to battle for a top-eight finish at the Spanish 5.078km race track which he likes very much. De Puniet still holds the 8th place in the world classification with 81 points. The MotoGP teams and riders will be back on track in Japan on the 3rd of October. De Puniet – CRASHED De Puniet: “Another disappointing race for me after Indianapolis and Misano. Honestly in the last two days I had a very good rhythm and thought that I could make a positive race scoring important points for the classification. I did not take a good start and after 5 laps I had front front tyre grip issues and tried hard to manage the problem loosing several places. I could stay with the guys up there because we made similar lap times. Then at 8 laps to go on turn 7 I made a mistake and I suffered a high side. I am okay but I am in a bad mood because the last two months have been very tough for me. The first part of the season was incredibly positive for me and the Team and I hope to be back on my pace in the next races”.
Aragon, 19 September: after yesterdays Aragon GP positive qualifying session result, LCR Honda MotoGP racer Randy De Puniet started from the 6th spot on the grid for the 23-lap race but suffered a high-side at 8 laps to go from which he luckily escaped unhurt but could not rejoin the race. After the left leg fracture sustained in the German GP, the Frenchman aboard the Honda RC212V worked hard to get the best from his machine and trained a lot to be fitted as quick as possible but in the last three races he was not able to perform as he expected. The 29-year-old lapped consistently fast in the practices and was ready to battle for a top-eight finish at the Spanish 5.078km race track which he likes very much. De Puniet still holds the 8th place in the world classification with 81 points. The MotoGP teams and riders will be back on track in Japan on the 3rd of October. De Puniet – CRASHED De Puniet: “Another disappointing race for me after Indianapolis and Misano. Honestly in the last two days I had a very good rhythm and thought that I could make a positive race scoring important points for the classification. I did not take a good start and after 5 laps I had front front tyre grip issues and tried hard to manage the problem loosing several places. I could stay with the guys up there because we made similar lap times. Then at 8 laps to go on turn 7 I made a mistake and I suffered a high side. I am okay but I am in a bad mood because the last two months have been very tough for me. The first part of the season was incredibly positive for me and the Team and I hope to be back on my pace in the next races”.
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